Reality tv shows are doing their best to imitate what a perfect moment would feel like in a non inverted world, a moment suspended in time. It may let the viewers feel small or inadequate, without the ability to connect to their own inner talents which are nowhere praised by the exterior, targeted since the very first day and repressed by every mean possible (vaccines for example are a way to suppress these abilities and skills and get the body into non responsive mode).
Looking back at reality tv from a place of knowing
A few nights ago, I revisited some moments of reality tv from my teenager years. I remember being often disappointed to discover the candidates. Later on in the seasons, I would forget about this first impression and the scripted version of their reality would grow on me. I was often wondering, why did the production chose these contestants when they had the choice of so many ? I was not aware that the choices were made from a selected handful for hidden reasons concerning the energy signature of these beings and the agendas they were about to be used for and fulfill to some extents. I asked myself, was there mockery to make them accomplish silly choregraphies ? I believe there was and it is part of the price to pay, also to entertain the ones holding the threads, just one or a few level(s) above.
MK Ultra baby doll
Now, I look at Jenifer, a young talent discovered when she was 18 during the first season of a tv reality program in France (Star Academy) and I see the imprint of MK Ultra all over. It can bring sadness and empathy for beings like her or Sophie Marceau. They both are intriguing to witness. Jenifer is now recruiting talents herself, becoming herself an agent for the voracious machine, up to the point of recruiting children with the kid version of the show. Why does the fascination work so well ? And when Jenifer praises her partner Da Silva, who is going on tour with her as a guitarist, it is not difficult to see how the system has placed a handler right by her side at all time, to maintain constant access to her (just as we see with a celebrity as Britney Spears). It’s also no surprise to see Jenifer support anti-life agendas which are presenting themselves as having to do with philantrophism. Are these celebrities truly aware of what they are doing on a spiritual level? At a higher level, everyone is being used to perpetuate spiritual misery.
The rules of the game of celebrity
These sorts of tv shows are hypnotizing and fascinating ; they can easily stimulate addictive behaviours to the range of provided experiences. In front of these programs which provide intense emotional experiences, our time and our cocreative power are being stolen away. One might not be able to stop smiling while connecting with the emotional experience of the contestants, their joy or their victories. But at which cost is this connection happening ? We may feel a great deal of empathy for the contestants when they sing or go through the experience of the show. The elimination system has always been cruel and quite traumatic, both for the audience (the contestants suddenly disappear from your everyday life (at least when social media was not so present) and for the contestants themselves. It is traumatic also to witness betrayals, biased decisions being taken and to have to choose between individuals. These shows create story lines and romanticized narratives. They are based on comparison, better than, lesser than. What abour our own lane ? The problem is that these kinds of programs are directed to create a feeling of being beaten down for the viewer. Indeed, it appears to be less glamour the realness and rawness of the awakening process. It is brutal, ugly and violent due to the constant targeting of the inverted towards the real. There is no other choice than to keep walking.
On the tv set, everything seems beautiful and perfect with glamorizing self serving frequencies. In the gossip magazines, the same artists that are praised on the screens are being rolled down in the gutters of false or constructed speculations. It’s all part of the game of polarization. Some of the judges (handlers) might mimic as if they care and appreciate while they are using the contestants for self image and self promotion. Sometimes creatures within one appreciates the creature(s) within the other. Some have more innocence than others. I look for the real creative original beings among them.
Current agendas playing out
Nowadays, times have changed. Agendas are getting darker, sooner. It’s been a long time television is playing on pushing the belief that it’s easy to change and access negative core beliefs. Such work is not an easy task and take years of dedication, to really get to the root of it. In addition, we are seeing gender fluid agendas being pushed and contestant being defined (and reducted) by these terms. We are seeing contestants being used to create fake engineered polemics (like the elimination of a contestant for expressing values and beliefs on social media). Engineered events narratives (the shootings happening in Nice) are also being reinforced and pushed alongside with other falseness.
It’s very insightful, if they released a music video, to go and look at the symbology appearing in these music videos. We might find checkboard black and white symbols, MK Ultra puns intended or low frequency mind control signatures. A part of these contestants or artists don’t have a spirit, they are easily used as handlers for other contestants. Some beings might be chosen or created with increased intellectual abilities (playing instruments or being great at technical singing).
Movies take you through dimensions. By the end you are through with some movies (The shape of Water, or the serie Carnival Row), most of what you remember are the depicted and cruel gore aspects and the scenes of torture or crude animalistic sexuality. It was no surprise to witness that, in my youtube suggestions, a TED video appeared about someone testifying about leaving a cult. When I clicked, it took less than one second to recognize the energy signature of deceit. TED talks are filled with deception, controlled opposition and engineered tales with some occasional real genuine original sparks.
Final words
Year 2020, a few public figures are revealing their true colors (Deepak Chopra promoting mask wearing or the creation of a digital version of himself). When we observe the signs we know where we need to clean the ramifications and we realize why the energy felt so dark. Many beings are owned or controlled ; they are serving different agendas and narratives of deceit chosen for them. Some beings born into the most atrocious situations and family set-ups manage to wake up and work on integrating the resulting fragments of the way they were used, accessed and mind-controlled. The realistic truth to this is that it takes years and decades of dedication to regain access to all these parts of the self. And there are so many corridors created to lead to division and a lack of intimacy in relating. After all, this is a realm based on entrapment systems (a prison realm where it’s really hard to access satisfying quality in relating) until we have started to reclaim bits after bits, realigning with the celestial laws of original creation.
Mk-ultra signatures with Jenifer, leopard clothing and beta sex kitten
and her partner (vampiric) handler Da Silva
- Leopard clothing
- One eye by Slimane
- Da Silva’s imagery
- Da Silva, Jenifer’s partner
Darker and darker as it goes in The Voice
- Checkboard black and white