Aria Persei

Filtering ❣ On the way to Remembrance

Day after day, our manifestation abilities are stolen from us to reinforce the prison walls of the reality we are finding ourselves in. The installment system made sure to place a series of negative core beliefs

It's an illusion to think we are living in societies that are free. Most of the

In this reality, we are a diversity of beings and races. In synthetic races, there is much variety. Many androids are being employed by the deep state (we see this clearly with someone like Mark Zuckerberg

2020 has seen the deployment of another multi-layered sophisticated fear program. It is often about giving

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This year, in 2020, we have had to face very dehumanizing measures. Intimidation has been used to bend our will. In order to stay on track and keep anchored in our centers, active and participatory organization

The standard houses have been designed for us, to create a kind of slave-like imprisonment where

Our feet are masterpieces of incredible ingenuity, closely interconnected with all the systems of the body.

The reign of mushrooms and their kingdom combine interesting characteristics of the animal or the plant kingdom. For centuries in the east, medicinal mushrooms, which contain more than 150 bioactive compounds in their structures, have been

The food industry is led by an intent to make money instead of an intent to

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