Today, many people are affected by chronic or even degenerative pathologies, consequences of an exponential environmental toxicity that targets us by all means. Ozone is said to be a powerful bactericide, fungicide, virucide, anti-inflammatory and anti-pain agent and a health ally that participates in the re-oxygenation of human cells. I have not been able to experiment the desired results from working with ozone therapy, maybe because the doctor I was working with was under too severe mind control. Fasting and cellular detoxification have been proved from personal experience to be working much better. These techniques also have much more of the organic imprints than the medical cold applications of ozone. I have stopped working with ozone with a practicioner because I could not find any that I would appreciate to be working with on a real level.

Nicolas Tesla’s work
The disinfecting properties of ozone were known in the 1840s to sterilize operating rooms and to treat water. During his lightning experiments, it is said that Nicolas Tesla noticed that a strong odour of gas was invading the laboratory: he identified this gas as the ozone gas. The inventor observed that ozone was eliminating bacteria and moulds that were covering the walls and was significantly improving the physical and mental health of the employees as well as his own. As early as the 1920s, he was advising to disinfect hospital rooms with ozone. He also produced an ozonated olive oil for doctors to use. During wartime, even the smallest wound could quickly become infected: the application of ozone on wounds was preventing bacterial infections. This is suggesting that ozone therapy and pulsed electromagnetic fields were widespread in the United States for a period of 30 years. The censored technologies re-emerged in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the end of the Cold War and the embargo that had been imposed in the late 1930s. Pharmaceutical medication was pushed to replace ultraviolet light therapy, which the industry demonized, and ozone was presented as a toxic pollution agent.

Ozone is therefore not a new medicine, but rather a rediscovery, well known in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Eastern European countries and for sure a therapy that does not serve pharmaceutical interests: some Turks in Belgium fly once a week to receive an ozone treatment in their home country. The Germans have very good material. Ozone is administered by different methods: intramuscular, intra-articular, intravenous (the blood is enriched with oxygen) or intra-arterial injections, rectal or vaginal insufflation or ozonated oil. One of the major contraindications is to have received a transplant as ozone increases immunity.
O3 Center in Liège (BE)
Anne Franckart, after her studies, started working in a small hospital. She met the man who was going to become her husband, a pioneer in Belgium and the first to perform arthroscopy (which allows to explore the inside of a joint using a small tube called endoscope). The camera had just arrived when she took up the job and it was a fascinating time. Her husband and her operated together for years. She specialized in orthopaedics (a surgical specialty that deals with conditions of the bones and joints as well as soft tissues such as muscles and tendons). Later, she heard about ozone and I was convinced. Today, the small structure she used to work in (she didn’t want to work in big hospitals where patients are just numbers) is likely to disappear. Once the ozone is in contact with the blood, the inactive O present in the tank is transformed into active oxygen and will act at the level of the mitochondria and reboost the internal mechanism. In cases of cervicalgia or lumbago, the results are very good within a few days. Contrary to anti-inflammatory drugs that block everything, ozone heals slowly. The same results are obtained as in vascular surgery for varicose veins, without the injection of foreign products. For acne, it is injected into each pimple using a mesotherapy needle. 2 backdrops I know having worked with ozone said they were experiencing visible results, including renewed energy and improved quality of sleep. I had trouble to observe clear results affecting my health positively and I stopped engaging with ozone treatments. I am not a fan of injections and the drive was 3-hour long back and forth. The doctor was believing in vaccines at the time of the coronavirus. I would believe that the level of awareness of the practicioner has an impact on the potentiality of positive health results for the person being treated.

Different methods of administration
How does it go?
- Blood transfusion: in the doctor’s office, ozone is produced using a medical generator. By means of an electrical discharge and oxygen, the ozone molecule is formed by separating and then re-combining the molecular bonds. During a blood transfusion, between 50 and 100 ml of blood is taken and re-injected into the person’s bloodstream (20 to 40 minutes).
- Hocatt sauna: a system that allows the body to be bathed in an ozone vapour coupled with heat, infrared (= radiation = dangerous).
- Colon hydrotherapy followed by rectal ozone insufflation: rectal insufflation is a preventive and curative treatment: the inner walls of the rectum are richly vascularized. It is done via a catheter that insufflates between 160 and 300 ml of ozone.